To open this new blog I want to create a "first post" about sneakers, trainers, or however you want to call them. I'm gonna write about Converse All Star & Vans, the Chuck Taylor All Star Ox W cream color and Vans Authentic (no matter what color are, as from
During the S/S12 season, the Vans Authentic model increased its popularity, then came its imitations by brands like Mustsang (26 € aprox.), Andy-z (19.95 € aprox.),or Primark, but the Irish clothing retailer sólo just commercialised the Vans Era model (7 € aprox.). This was very affordable for all of us, so we could purchase one of the most casual models of the brand.
During the F/W12 the Converse All Star came back ( I'm not thinking in the "HI model"/Boot model). This time the sneakers came back in light colors like white or cream, previously "repudiated". This summer they will become more and more popular with these summer colors that contradictorily succeded in winter.
Also brands like Mustang have been commercialising with very affordableimitations for a long time ago. Comparing this prices to the price of the Chuck Taylor All Star Ox W model (64 € aprox.), they are absolutely ridiculous.
Also brands like Mustang have been commercialising with very affordable
P.S.: A tip for the Chuck Taylor All Star Ox W use: wear them down to the limit (not as much as the ones in the pic :D), the effect is great! Although there is a model on sale already wore down, who is better than you to wear the Converse All Star down, wardrobe mixer? ;)
Both models will fight this S/S13 season. ¿Who will be the winner? Let's see it in Fall . ;D
Speak soon wardrobe mixers (L)! xx
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